Using Jupyter at Jefferson Lab!

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to clone this repository to your workspace by logging in to an interactive farm node over ssh:

  • ssh ifarm
  • cd /group/jupyterusers/$USER
  • git clone

This will expose the tutorial files to the file browser within

Full Documentation

The complete documentation of this tutorial is avialable at Read The Docs.

1. Basic Functionality of Jupyter

  • Setting the user base directory and install user packages (notebook)
  • Reading files and plotting data (notebook)

2. TensorFlow at Jefferson Lab

  • Building a 1-D linear regression model of the Qweak asymmetry data (notebook)
  • Building a 6-D linear regression model of the Qweak asymmetry data (notebook)

Indices and tables

By submitting code to this repository, you are agreeing with the license conditions in LICENSE (Apache License 2.0). Moreover, by submitting code you are asserting that you are in a position to agree to these license conditions (e.g. you are submitting code that is not covered by a more restrictive license).