Using Jupyter at Jefferson Lab!

Frequently Asked Questions about Jupyter at Jefferson Lab

Where are my notebooks stored?

For security reasons the jupyter server does not have write access outside a narrow area. When you log in to, the file browser will only show you the files in the directory /group/jupyterusers/$USER. All files outside that directory are only readable, not writable. You can, however, login to an interactive farm node and apply version control to the files in /group/jupyterusers/$USER.

How do I use python on interactive farm nodes?

Python is installed on interactive farm nodes at /apps/python. You can add the python executables to the shell search path automatically at login by including the following line in your .bashrc file:

export PATH=/apps/python/3.4.3/bin:$PATH

Instead of the explicit version number you can also specify PRO which points to python 3.4.3 (as of April 2018).

How do I install a new package?

A selection of commonly used packages are installed system-wide. If a package you wish to use is not installed system-wide, you can do so using the interactive farm environment. After adding the python executables to the shell search path, you will have access to pip for installing packages in your user base directory ~/.local. You can then install packages using, for example:

pip install --user --upgrade uproot

Why can’t I delete files or directories?

Due to security restrictions on the server, the attempts by jupyter to move deleted files to the trash folder fail. While JLab CC works on resolving this through the jupyter configuration, a work-around is to log in to an interactive node and delete the files or directories by hand. Their location is /group/jupyterusers/$USER.